On June 24th, 2013, on an early rainy muggy morning, Finnegan Pierre Florizone entered this world. Strong, healthy and weighing a whopping nine pounds. Labouring with Finn was one of the most challenging yet amazing experiences of my life, and I would do it all over in a heart beat. I had asked so many women as I waiting for Finn, what labour was like, and I had so many different answers. There is no definition or right way of explaining how it feels to go to the deepest place to allow another soul into this world. I have never felt so grounded, so rooted to the earth, so connected to my true being. It's primal and messy and scary and wonderful, and yes painful. But it was worth it. And now here I am, on one of the hottest days of the year, sitting at the computer, writing what will be my last blog after a very long journey. I have dreamed of writing this blog for almost three years. I have had parts of it memorized. An ending, but also a beginning of something new and magical. Our loss of Luka has changed us in so many ways, and sent us on a powerful path of healing and hope. And now that Finnegan has entered our lives, I can honestly say it was all worth it. The pain, the ache, the desire, the laughter and the tears. Thank you to all who have read this blog, encouraged me to continue writing and sent us love and support. And now a new journey begins. The journey of our little Finnegan. I will always remember the moment he entered this world, with his powerful lungs and wailing cry. We welcome you little boy. We love you. We will tell you all about your beautiful sister. Thank you for choosing us as parents.
And so, I say goodbye to this blog, to the thoughts and words that healed my soul. I love you Luka. Let the wind and the trees carry your spirit and give you peace and light. Come and visit often.
My heart is full.